(832) 314-3070

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Commercial Cleaning Services
Professional Care Cleaning provides a variety of professional commercial cleaning services to the highest quality standards to fit the needs of any business. We provide a healthier environment for your customers and employees with customizable, reliable commercial cleaning services. Our service includes but is not limited to:
Routine Janitorial Services
Hard Floor Scrub and Recoat
Carpet Cleaning and Extraction
Restroom Disinfection
Window Cleaning

Commercial Cleaning Services Customized
Professional Care Cleaning offers world-class commercial cleaning services that meet the specific needs of your business. By analyzing your office space or facility, we identify your specific cleaning needs. After this we are able to customize a range of commercial cleaning services to fit your unique cleaning requirements. No other janitorial company offers this level of customization at our low rates!
great Quality.
Professional Care Cleaning Service commitment to quality and customer service is unmatched in the industry:
Backed small business owners
Consistent quality audits based on a 3-point system
Monthly customer satisfaction reviews
Extensive training/certification programs
Uniformed janitors with photo identification
24/7 Customer Service